Thursday, November 12, 2020

Book Review | Chain of Gold by Cassandra Clare

Chain of Gold by Cassandra Clare
Title: Chain of Gold 
Author: Cassandra Clare 
Genres: Young Adult, Fantasy, Romance 
Publication Date: March 3d, 2020 
Publisher: Margaret K, McElderry

Book Review | Chain of Gold by Cassandra Clare

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Chain of Gold 
is an excellent start to a brand new Shadowhunters trilogy by Cassandra Clare. Set in Victorian London in 1903, the story centers around four main characters: James Herondale, Lucie Herondale, Cordelia Carstairs, and Matthew Fairchild. Chronologically the events in the book take place after the Infernal Devices Trilogy.

When demons start attacking Shadowhunters and humans throughout the city, the group works together to find ways to defeat them. As we learn more about these characters, we get to know their background, their love, and their struggles.

This was such a good read! The story was well balanced between the character's development and the main story involving the demons and investigations, I was actually surprised there were so many character-driven storylines since this is the first book in the series. There aren't many time-jumps to the past but I liked the ones that were because they gave a lot more history and knowledge into the characters. It's a positive thing for me because at the end of the day, the characters are what keeps me the most engaged in the story.

The writing style was also really nice and easy to read and the story never felt stuck.


James Herondale, son of Tessa and Will. Cordelia's childhood friend and crush. James struggles with his demonic power which he got from his mother's side, he's being pulled to the shadow realm when killing demons or other occasions.

In the moments where James was with Cordelia, he was able to truly be himself and I loved their connection and friendship. Another thing I always enjoy when it comes to Shadowhunters stories is the Parabatai bond, and in this book Matthew Fairchild in James' Parabatai. I wished to see their connection and friendship explored more, especially since Matthew is someone in need of help and support. I understand why there wasn't room for this in the book since there was a lot going on with James but I hope it's something that will be explored more in the second book.

Cordelia Carstairs is definitely the heroine of the story. Cordelia arrives with her mother and brother in London to build relationships and find herself a suitor, as her father awaits trial in Idris. Cordelia starts developing more feelings for James whom she liked since they were kids. 

What I like most about Cordelia is her determination and kindness despite having to deal with many problems, whether it's her brother or finding her place with the Shadowhunters in London she is always trying to help and look after everyone else in her family. To me, Cordelia is the heart of the story and I enjoyed seeing her coming to her own and having more confidence in herself by the end.

Matthew Fairchild 
hides a dark secret from his past, keeping this secret from everyone else makes him indulge in alcohol which he uses as a coping mechanism for his guilt. My heart broke for Matthew, he bears so much guilt over his past actions but at his heart, he is a good-hearted person. After Cordelia Matthew is the character that intrigued me the most and I want to root for him and hope he can heal and forgive himself.

He is reluctant to confide in someone and share his story, I feel like doing this would bring him relief and a way to move forward, and since I don't want to give away spoilers in this review you're gonna have to read for yourself if he does find help or turn back to his vices.

In Conclusion

I enjoyed most elements of the story and I connected with many characters in this series. The plot was standard for a Shadowhunters book in terms of there being demon attacks in the city so that wasn't quite original however the characters' stories make up for that.

If you love the Shadowhunters world you know what to expect and this book does it at its finest. the tension, the relationship, and the plot twists made it an enjoyable read.

Favorite Quote:

“We do not get to choose when in our lives we feel pain," said Matthew. "It comes when it comes, and we try to remember, even though we cannot imagine a day when it will release its hold on us, that all pain fades. All misery passes. Humanity is drawn to light, not darkness.”

Rating: 5/5

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