Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Clockwork Princess by Cassandra Clare | Book Review

Clockwork Princess by Cassandra Clare- Book Cover

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Clockwork Princess by Cassandra Clare

Title: Clockwork Princess
Author: Cassandra Clare
Genres: Young Adult, Fantasy, Romance
Publication Date: September 5th, 2013

*****This review CONTAINS SPOILERS*****

OMG, fellow bookworms! I just finished "Clockwork Princess" by Cassandra Clare, and I am still reeling from all the feels!
This book was amazing!! I felt so many emotions while reading it. 
I cried I laughed, I was angry and happy, and in the end, this is what I want when I read a book.
The first two books were good but I think this final book was better. In the first two books, there was mainly one character I connected with and that was Jem. Clockwork Princess made me feel and connect much more with Tessa, Will, and even Charlotte and Sophie.

Oh, and can we take a moment to appreciate the brilliance that is Magnus Bane? I live for those glimpses of Magnus, and this book did not disappoint. His wit, charm, and a touch of mystery always add that extra sprinkle of magic to the story.
Can we talk about how amazing it is when an author makes you care about everyone in the story?

The way Cassandra Clare weaved together the threads of love, sacrifice, and destiny had me ugly crying one minute and squealing with joy the next. Tessa's journey, especially, hit me right in the feels. I laughed with her, cried with her, and felt every beat of her heart. And let's not forget about Will Herondale – swoon alert! 

Ugh, let's dive into the emotional rollercoaster that is Jem's storyline in "Clockwork Princess." 😭💔 Jem, my absolute favorite character, went through the wringer in this book, and it shattered my heart into a million pieces. The anguish of witnessing him deteriorate from his illness, with no cure in sight, was like a punch to the gut. I swear, I went through an entire box of tissues during his struggle.

What hit me the hardest was the incredible bond between Jem and Will. Their friendship, their Parabatai connection, and the deep, unspoken love between them added layers of complexity to the narrative. The moment when Will had to leave Jem to find Tessa was both heart-wrenching and beautifully written.

The conflicting emotions, the sacrifice, and the profound love that bound them together were palpable in every word. I found myself sobbing over the pages, torn between the heartbreaking reality of Jem's fate and the selfless actions of Will, who was willing to do anything for the people he loved.

As much as I don't like love triangles (who does?) Jem Will and Tessa love each other so much and I just wanted all three of them to find happiness so I wasn't really rooting for one person over the other to end up with Tessa so I was happy with the conclusion of their relationship with each other. 

It was also interesting to find out more about Tessa's past and where she came from, It answered a lot of questions that were left open from the previous books. 

The epilogue wrapped things up nicely, I was happy for Jem that he's finally free from the Silent Brothers after all these years and can move on with his life and find happiness, he deserves it after all the suffering he's been through. The moments describing Tessa's life with Will were written beautifully.

Cassandra Clare crafted a masterpiece that not only tugged at my heartstrings but ripped them apart. Jem's journey, coupled with the intricacies of the bond between him and Will, added a layer of depth and emotional intensity to the story that I'll carry with me forever. I'm still not over it, and I don't think I ever will be.

star ratingstar ratingstar ratingstar ratingstar rating


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